Media Release

19 March 2020

Labor is calling on the Berejiklian Government to remove restrictions that stop supermarkets from receiving deliveries at certain times of the day, to address COVID-19 panic buying and ensure shelves can be restocked.

Labor Shadow Minister for Planning and Better Living, Adam Searle said: “You don’t have to look further than empty supermarket shelves to see that panic about the COVID-19 pandemic has taken hold.

“What we’re hearing is that supermarkets have enough stock, but they can’t get supplies into shops and on shelves fast enough. One of the reasons for that is deliveries can only be done at certain times of day. That’s why Labor is urging the Berejiklian Government to remove delivery restrictions until 30 June this year” — Adam Searle MLC, Labor Shadow Minister for Planning and Better Living

“While some councils have already acted to ease conditions, there is currently no uniform policy across NSW. This could lead to confusion and errors in the supply chain, right when we need to be making things simpler.”

Labor Shadow Minister for Local Government, Greg Warren said some councils are uncertain about what changes they can make under the State’s planning policies.

“If the Berejiklian Government eases this restriction then it will remove a burden on Local Government, and support supermarkets to meet the demand of families across NSW.”